Friday, April 29, 2016

What 'Tuesday' Has Inspired You?

Based on the 6 Tuesdays you have read about in Tuesdays with Morrie, choose which topic (The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Regrets, Death, Family, or Emotions) that has had the most impact on you or inspired you. On your blog discuss the importance of this topic with your own opinions, including textual evidence (direct quotes) from the book.   

        Based on the six Tuesday's with Morrie the one that spoke out to me the most was Emotions. One of Morrie's aphorisms stated, "Don't cling to things, because everything is impermanent," (Pg. 103). This aphorism really spoke to me, and the way Morrie described it moved me. He describes how it is okay to be scared and have bad feelings, but he says not to cling to them too long. If you do that then you can't feel all the emotions out there. You are able to let the experience "penetrate you fully."

        He used many emotions as examples. My favorite was the one about loneliness. He specifically said, "All right, that was my moment with loneliness. I'm not afraid of feeling lonely, but now I'm going to put that loneliness aside and know that there are other emotions in the world, and I'm going to experience them as well," (Pg. 105). You're stuck in one place thinking about that one experience or emotion, you move on to other things. This is great because otherwise you would always be lonely, sad, depressed, or even worse things. Don't cling to things, cause there is more out there than that one thing.

        This chapter has really inspired me to know all the other great things in not cling to the past, but to move forward, otherwise you will lose the great experiences that could have  happened. Sticking to one feeling drags you down, I know that this has happened to everyone at least once. It isn't a good feeling. Morrie is just saying that it is okay to have that feeling but do not have it for so long that it overwhelms you otherwise the experience will penetrate you.

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