Friday, April 29, 2016

What 'Tuesday' Has Inspired You?

Based on the 6 Tuesdays you have read about in Tuesdays with Morrie, choose which topic (The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Regrets, Death, Family, or Emotions) that has had the most impact on you or inspired you. On your blog discuss the importance of this topic with your own opinions, including textual evidence (direct quotes) from the book.   

        Based on the six Tuesday's with Morrie the one that spoke out to me the most was Emotions. One of Morrie's aphorisms stated, "Don't cling to things, because everything is impermanent," (Pg. 103). This aphorism really spoke to me, and the way Morrie described it moved me. He describes how it is okay to be scared and have bad feelings, but he says not to cling to them too long. If you do that then you can't feel all the emotions out there. You are able to let the experience "penetrate you fully."

        He used many emotions as examples. My favorite was the one about loneliness. He specifically said, "All right, that was my moment with loneliness. I'm not afraid of feeling lonely, but now I'm going to put that loneliness aside and know that there are other emotions in the world, and I'm going to experience them as well," (Pg. 105). You're stuck in one place thinking about that one experience or emotion, you move on to other things. This is great because otherwise you would always be lonely, sad, depressed, or even worse things. Don't cling to things, cause there is more out there than that one thing.

        This chapter has really inspired me to know all the other great things in not cling to the past, but to move forward, otherwise you will lose the great experiences that could have  happened. Sticking to one feeling drags you down, I know that this has happened to everyone at least once. It isn't a good feeling. Morrie is just saying that it is okay to have that feeling but do not have it for so long that it overwhelms you otherwise the experience will penetrate you.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tuesday's With Morrie - Bucket List

What are your initial reactions to what you have read in Tuesdays with Morrie thus far? One of the main themes developing in Tuesdays with Morrie is not to take your life for granted. Based on this premise, what is on your Bucketlist? 

    Thus far in Tuesdays with Morrie I have had many reactions just because of Morrie. The way he puts little things into life lessons makes me very surprised and interested on having a conversation with him. He gives little aphorisms about life such as, "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in," (Pg. 52). He helped people with these little sayings, because they are entirely true. He surely has spoken to me, and I assume many others by this point. 

     Morrie has ALS, and there is no cure for the disease. He already knows it is terminal yet he is still positive. He does not see his illness as a setback, "'It's horrible to watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it's also wonderful because of all the time I get to say good-bye.' He smiled. 'Not everyone is so lucky,'" (Pg. 57). I find that very powerful, how could have have a terminal illness and still be this positive? Personally, I don't know how but Morrie did. He has gone through so much and he still continued to grow into a better person everyday. He shocks me.

My Bucket List:
- Jump out of a plane
- Graduate from college
- Eat a spider
- Have an impact on someone's life
- Travel to all the continents
- Travel to all 50 states 
- Learn to speak fluent Spanish
- "Repay" my parents somehow
- Hug a lion

Friday, April 8, 2016

3rd Quarter Reflection Blog

- In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? 
- What is something you have accomplished this quarter that you are proud of?
-What has been the most challenging part of 3rd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

        The area I think I improved the most in my ELA class is in my arguementive writing technics. I've learned how to organize my research so that when i actually have to write my paper it's way easier. After I have conducted all of my research I then know I have to put my essay in TIQA format. My first sentence includes the claim made for that particular paragraph. Then the second sentence I state  where, when, and who the quote or information came from. The final sentence is the analysis, basically how this quote helps out my argumentative claim. I feel more confident in argumentative writing, TIQA format, and organization. 

        Something I have accomplished that I am proud of is my butterfly project. I thought I did really good on analyzing, the actual butterfly, and the meaning of each and every piece I put on the butterfly. My favorite part on the butterfly was how I explained the difference of both the sides. The positive and negative side. The positve was very colorful, it represented how life used to be before the Holocaus. The negative side was dark and gloomy, which represented life in the camps. I thought that showed a lot of the poem I was given since there was some good and some bad in the situation. 

        The most challenging part of the 3rd quarter for me was keeping my reading on track. For some, point in this quarter I wasn't reading. Which led to me doing poorly in the MAP testing and even entrance exams. On my entrance exams I did an amazing job on my math, but my reading was not as high. To fix this all I need to do is read. I just have to make sure I read a little everyday so that I don't fall behind this year and next year.