Monday, February 15, 2016

Holocaust AoW Impressions

        My impressions on the Articles of the Weeks about the Holocaust was surprising. One part I thought was very surprising was that Nazis were still being hunted today. I was informed that there was a former SS guard being convicted of 300,000 murders. They barely found the guard that worked at Auschawitz during World War II. I also heard that a famous Nazi hunter found the last Nazi. He caught the last Nazi, the Nazi was a well-known guard at a concentration camp. They found him in New York at 92 years old. I thought why do they continue to look for the Nazis after many many years? I now know that they must pay for what they did, they do not get freedom after what they have did.

        I also found that many survivors of the Holocaust still have a life today. Many of them are making a difference in the United States. One man goes to Middle Schools and teaches the kids about his experiences in the death camps. He most importantly teaches them about hate. He tells them that he does not hate Hitler, otherwise he will become just as low as Hitler and the Nazis. I thought that was a strong message. Overall I notice that the Holocaust still affects us even after many years later, which I find very important.

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