Thursday, February 4, 2016

Berlin Memorial Activity

1- What did you learn?
2- Why do you think this monument was built?
3- What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years? 
4- Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?

        I learned that many of the Jews that lived in Germany were not treated fairly at all. The Jews were first segregated by Hitler, who then got the whole country against them. Germany started passing the Nuremberg Racial Laws over the years, which was against the Jews. They laws started by taking away jobs (so no income) and then no entertainment. Technically these are stuff they could live without, so Germany took away milk and eggs. Which was a huge surprise to me since that is nutrition people need. Germany started of small then grew way larger.

        I think the monument was built to honor all the Jews that have died or survived the Holocaust. The slabs of cement are there to symbolize the deaths of many Jews. The Memorial was built to show the many deaths and t honor them. I also think so history does not repeat itself, but it already has...

        I noticed that throughout the years of the laws being made it started off basic. At first they made sure that Jews could have any jobs, so no income (I expected that). They later then took away their  entertainment like driving, movies, and etc. After that it got more serious like they took away prized jewelry that had been in the family for ages. They then took their pets and Jews couldn't drink milk. The laws just kept piling on and on. I think that because during the later years Germany started expanding so they wanted to be more powerful and make new laws.

        I think that the most trouble to deal with is the laws past in the later years. Personally, one for me would be to get my pet taken away. All the pets I have had have always been apart of the family, and to take that away kills you. Another one would to not be able to go to school. For us we teat it as a luxury, but for many people on the East they aren't able t go to school, which deprives them from learning right from wrong. I also thought that milk being taken away just because they were Jewish is just horrible. It is something that would be hard for me, since I love to drink milk. Overall, all the laws were hard to deal with.

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