Friday, January 9, 2015

Life Refection 01/09/15

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

     The last time I did something for the first time I took care of my cousins dog over Winter Break. Over Winter Break my cousin, Alex, and his family went to New Mexico this year to visit their dad's side of the family because their grandpa was getting very sick and old. I felt really bad, so what I did was I told their family that I would take care of their dog, Toby. Since I also had a dog I thought it would be pretty easy, but I was very wrong. Since this the first time I took care of their dog I didn't know how Toby would behave. 

     What I do for my dog everyday is whatever time I wake up (it could be at 8 am or 12 pm) I would feed my dog and take him outside to use the bathroom, but since it was very cold outside I would just let him use the bathroom on the mats we got for him. When they were well used I would pick them up and throw new ones for him to use. Then I did that again at 3 pm.Before I went to bed I would give him a treat and that's what I did for my dog.

     My cousin's dog was a whole different story... My dog did the usual routine, but Toby was out of control. If I didn't wake up at exactly 8:30 and feed Toby he wouldn't eat. Then when I would take him outside he would scratch on the door the whole time until I let him in, he never did his business. That was only the morning problem...

     As the day went by Toby would pee whenever he was excited, and he was always excited, he would never calm down like my dog (probably because my dog is older than Toby). We would always have to keep an eye on him. He would throw up a lot too, and we didn't know why. He gets really crazy and hyper a lot and he never sits still.

     Toby would always bother my dog, Husky, and Husky hated him. Toby would take Husky's toys and Husky would be like "Whatever" and slowly walked away. Toby would also eat Husky's food but Husky didn't seem to care at all. The worst thing was Toby followed Husky everywhere. Husky would be sitting down and Toby would be right by his nose just how Husky was sitting down, Husky growled and growled but Toby didn't move at all, one time Husky actually jumped towards Toby. Sometimes it would look like Toby was Husky's Mirror and he wouldn't get out of his face. Husky just really hated Toby.

     I don't know how my cousin's family could handle Toby, but I did it. At the end when they came back from New Mexico I was glad to see them, and kinda glad to see Toby leave! After all of that I got $40!

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