Tales from the Odyssey
By Mary Pope Osborne
Prompt(s) -
* Explain how you have been surprised by what you are reading.
* Think of a problem that a character had to face. Write the problem and how the
character solved it or is working to solve it. If you were that character, what
would you do differently?
Page: 0 - 136

One way I have been surprised by my reading is since Odyssey, the king of Ithaca, has been gone for over two decades there are suitors who invade his home and crops. They want to marry the queen, but she waits till her husband comes home. The suitors slaughter his oxen, cows, horses, and etc. They also drink his best wine and best bread. The servants there are treated horribly by the suitors. The demand to marry the Queen, the suitors come from many lands and try and take his land, money and power. I just find it unbelievable that these men ruin his home and demand to marry his wife after he survived the war and is captive.
One problem Odyssey had to face was how he was going to defeat Troy, since they were in war. They solved it by him and his workers making a huge wooden horse as a gift to Troy. The people in Troy thought it was a gift and it showed they had won the war, but Odyssey and his best soldiers were in the horse. Later that night they all got out and they defeated Troy. Which was a great idea.

If I were that character I wouldn't of even thought of an idea like that. He had to find a way in the only way he could was to be unseen and he was unseen in that huge wooden horse. Since Troy was guarded by huge walls they couldn't climb over them so they did what was smart. I probably would of just went through the front doors, I thought it was the only way.
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